
Travels in Australia

Another scorcher

Last full day here in OZ got off to a very sweaty start with another early morning sesh at the gym. Afraid I ratted on my erstwhile hostess for being a bad girl last night and suggested her trainer showed her no mercy. Stupid me forgot that would mean no […]

Snake watch update 3

Ok I realise that I’m in danger of becoming slightly obsessed here but these serpents are starting to take over the world. The earlier snake seems to have phoned a friend…Perhaps it’s the music they like (now playing Back to Mine Krafty Kuts which is kinda funky and they did […]

Down on the mango farm 2

Another very relaxing morning up on the hill. A lovely splash around in the pool then out for a constitutional down on the mango farm. Unfortunately by the time I got this together it was a case of mad dogs (the mad dog being Sam the ginormous but very friendly […]

Tiger by the pool 2

So  after a very pleasant and relaxing day, we’ve had dinner, music is cranking out, we’re dancing and drumming like wild things… Suddenly I spot a movement by the pool. It’s a tiger! A Tiger Snake that is. Fascinated as I am by these creatures I lean over the deck […]

Round the world in 18 days

Shortly after Jersey another work trip took me to Brisbane and Sydney Australia followed by San Francisco, with a stopover in Bangkok en route staying at the Luxx hotel Silom. Gruelling trip and I came down with some ‘orrible lurgy so wasn’t able to make the most of it. Also […]