
Because I’m too lazy …

Yet another bicycle to covet?

I’m slightly alarmed to find myself subscribing to the n+1 theory of bicycle ownership, where n=the no. of bicycles you currently own, (the theory being that the correct no. of bicycles to own is n+1). Don’t really know where I’m going to store another bike but I have lately been […]


I bought a pair of shorts from a well known online retailer. It took them 3 attempts to deliver. Here’s why…                         Without the ridiculously large box and accompanying packaging, it would have fitted through the letterbox and been […]

Papa’s got a brand new (i)Pad

For those ole fashioned folk that like a good ole fashioned computers that you can do good ole fashioned computing stuff on, maybe this is the best thing you can do with an iPad. Thanks to a cool work colleague for bringing this to my attention…  

Crocodile tears and creativity… 1

… First the crocodile tears. We’ve all by now probably heard news of the terrible abduction of the school girls from Chibok village in Nigeria. If not check out the numerous stories on the net including on the Al Jazeera and / or The Guardian websites. Well I was hanging […]


Over the summer I spent a bit of time volunteering for Age UK a charity working with and for older people. Blown away by this fantastic project between an Age UK branch and a local school…  


Especially for you Deb… 2

…Well since you commented that I hadn’t blogged for a while…(it’s ok for you to say you miss me you know 🙂 ). Beaut day here, spring finally looks like it’s springin’. I know how much you like to hear about our walks and associated eating. Today we walked round […]