Virtual gigs


The lock down grinds on and we continue to have to look for ways to break the humdrum of groundhog days. Cold days and dark nights make going out less and less appealing as winter draws in.

Last week it was a group virtual theatre experience. This week a solo virtual gig experience. Blow the fuse (BTF) presented Carol Grimes at the Vortex (a pretty decent Jazz venue). You gotta love the BTF crew for promoting jazz, women in jazz, young jazz musicians… A pair of proper talented women who’ve been playing great music in various bands in different configurations of other fabulous musicians for donkeys years, and doing lots of other great work.

Anyway, back to tonight’s gig and q&a with Carol – catch it on YouTube – and while you’re at it, subscribe to the BTF YouTube channel and check out more BTF On Air next week, as well as lots of their other stuff. You’re in for a real treat. Enjoy…




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