Well today was a lovely late spring day as it turned out. So headed off to my childhood stomping grounds around Totteridge for a few hours outdoors.Taking in the countryside in the big smoke of London. Misplacing (read losing) ourselves in the wonder of nature…
Field of buttercups
The geese and ducks had been busy so as well as coming across beautiful clumps of buttercups, Flag Irises and Ox Eye Daisies by the pond….
Ox Eye Daisies
…we were treated to the site of sweet little goslings and ducklings…
Mama duck
Awww, I love spring…
Aaaaaaw! I love autumn! An unprintable Saturday in the shadows of Border Ranges and Blue Knob….at Cass’s family home – starting at 10a.m…….and NO photos!!!!!!!! LOL! Cass drove home!….Hmmmm