Back to Casa Granadina for a week of spring sunshine, warmth, relaxation, walking and all things good.
Stopped off in Torremelinos en route from the airport for lovely meal, Â cold beer (non alcoholic). Picked up a couple of nice tees in a local mall. Arrived at Casa Granadina, the river was more than a trickle and refreshingly cooling on the feet. Got down and dirty on the river bank trying to take macro shots of clumps of poppies…
Boccarinos in Torremolinos
Joined the local walking group for our first walk from Riogordo, a short drive away. Arrived slightly late as we were still on UK time. Fortunately the group waited for us then set off at a blistering pace. We eventually came upon a beautiful field of poppies but not much time to stop – forward onward we marched!
Eventually, led by Rosie our fantastic hostess at Casa Granadina, 3 of us formed a rebel breakaway group and took the rest of the walk at a more leisurely pace. We later returned in the car to spend more time communing with the poppies. Our baptism of fire was a wonderfully scenic and mostly a very aerobic 5.8 miles…
Poppy field
Day 3 and another amazing walk near Archidona led by Steve and Grant proprietors of Los Curriches.Stunning wild flowers including more poppies, orchids and fabulous views. Picnic spot by river. Pine woods.I started the walk getting stung by something under my shirt which led to an entertaining bit of jiggling, jumping and squealing on my part. Dodgy scramble downhill somewhere in middle of the walk, it was all good everywhere else. Finished with a bit of up, a bit of flat and a nice bit of relief to see the car. 5.3 miles all told.
Admiring the view
Day 4 saw us walking by lake Vinuela. Looking beautifully turquoise under the watchful gaze of Mt Maroma. Picnic in a cool shady spot under a eucalyptus tree watching the sun shimmering off  the lake, the sound of bird song carried on the gentle refreshing breeze. A delightfully peaceful and quite hot 5.5miles…
Next day was a rest day. Didn’t do much other than sleep eat sleep some more, read eat, pootle down the river listening to the splish splash of leaping frogs and the trickle of water over rocks. Cracked mud dried out in the sun, Â bird song, Â reds, yellows, blues, purples against different shades of green… Aaah bliss.
Mount Maroma and Lake Vinuela
Our next walk was around Comares. We drove up to the pretty town perched atop a big hill taking in the ancient tracks around and below. Lots of up and down. Blistering heat. Stunning views. Tons of flowers. Then a well earned beer, quick walk around town, clocking up 5.6 miles before heading “home” for a nice cuppa.
View from Comares
Our last walk took us back to a spot between Colemenar and Alfarnatejo which we were unable to do on our previous visit coz it was hunting season and there was a real danger of getting shot! No hunters this time though so we continued on through the beautiful scrubby, rocky landscape, covered in clumps of yellow broom, going into woodland dappled with light. Big birds circled above.  Lots of scrabbling and sliding on slippery leaves and loose rock ensued before getting back onto the right path after our lunch stop. Lone peonies, delicate orchids, in precarious places made photography a bit of a challenge but we had a bloody good go. 1.9 mi – felt like at least twice that…
Woodland picnic spot
Welcomed back to Old Blighty with predictable gloomy wet weather…thankfully have the memory of a wonderful week to keep us warm and dry inside.
More photos in the gallery.
No comment, coz you know exactly what I would be saying!!!!!!!
Yes. I believe that would be how much you’d have loved to join us 🙂