Earthquake… 2

Slept well after last night’s delish Thai curry courtesy of our fantastic hostess, Shan.

Another lovely start to the day. The earth shook for us all this morning in a 5.8 Richter Scale quake (and only one of 26 to strike NZ today) – albeit for a very short while… Very weird feeling the house wobble. Anyway, everyone safe and well, no damage – some minor excitement and certain folk (who shall not be named) thinking their luck was in.

Shower, brekky, and then into Gisborne for the farmers’ market. Lots of  yummy stuff – huge fresh strawberries, sausages, jam, cake, coffee, cheese, wine… and that was just the stuff we got.

Gisborne Farmers’ Market

Wine, wine, wine

After the market a quick trip to the jade shop. Again lots of lovely stuff so couldn’t resist the temptation to get meself jaded up. Then down to the town beach for the apparently traditional washing of the jade in the ocean.

Washing the jade

Later off to a “dance off” laid on by the local kids including one of our very own… The little ones were really cute and everyone from the little ones up danced their wee hearts out in a fabulous show.

Gisborne Dance Off

Dance Off

Dance Off

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2 thoughts on “Earthquake…

  • Acyee

    Ahh, that went down very well with the kipper on toast. Was that Debs in front of the wine stall.
    It is sunny over here for a change. Suspect it is still cold , have not ventured out yet.
    Looking forward as always to the next instalment,
    Happy campervanning 🙂