Tiger by the pool 2

So  after a very pleasant and relaxing day, we’ve had dinner, music is cranking out, we’re dancing and drumming like wild things… Suddenly I spot a movement by the pool. It’s a tiger! A Tiger Snake that is. Fascinated as I am by these creatures I lean over the deck to take a closer look and call dj over. Lucky I did…”That’s not a good snake, that’s not a good snake at all…”, she says in her best pommy / aussie accent. Highly venomous and now quite angry as she tries to toss it away. Anyway by means we shan’t disclose the beast is calmed and ready to pose for a photo.
Tiger by the pool

The music changes to The Belle Stars version of The Snake and all is calm again in the world again…

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2 thoughts on “Tiger by the pool

  • Aba

    I’d like to think it was charmed into submission 😉 No sign of Monty as yet but I’m secretly hoping he’ll make an appearance before we leave. You have a very good memory!