Edith Falls & Maracas Bay, Trinidad

Sorted out a taxi for the day and headed up to Chaguaramas in the North of the island for our first little taste of Trinidad’s lovely natural environment. A couple of hours drive away with wonderful scenery en route.

Short hike up to Edith Falls through amazing bamboo forest. Giant, creaking bamboos all over the shop. Passed a couple returning from the falls who when asked “how were the falls” said, “… we wouldn’t want to spoil the experience for you, let’s just say, there is water…”. About 20 mins of scrambling later, there was indeed water, a couple of wee puddles and what could have been was left to our imagination. To be fair, it had been extremely hot and dry for a while and the walk up was really lovely.

Bamboo Forest

After the cool beauty of the forest, it was off  to Maracas Bay for a bit of beach and our first taste of legendary (and very delicious) “bake and shark”. En route stopped off for a look at the stunning view of the bay from the viewing point on the hill. The coast of Venezuala just visible in the distance.

Maracas Bay, Trinidad

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