Time Flies

Can’t quite believe I’ve been back a month already. Really don’t know where the time has gone. Memory of trip thankfully has not yet faded. Largely down to repeatedly perusing photos while organising into print and virtual albums.

On that note I’ve now got round to uploading photos from Tokyo (where I stopped over en route to New Zealand) and Hong Kong (where I stopped over en route home).

Today I spent a very nice afternoon at the Natural History Museum taking a look at the really excellent Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2007 exhibition. Loads of stunning photos by seriously talented photographers – some of them still only knee high to a grasshopper. My favourites included Ines Labunski RobertsFrog refuge and George Decamp’s Flight of the yellowlegs in the Animal Behaviour category.

You’ve got to admire the skill, patience and dedication of all the entrants. It can take days of waiting in freezing cold, driving rain and all manner of inclement conditions to get “that shot”. While I was in New Zealand I discovered these were not qualities I possessed… Half an hour freezing me ass off in a bird hide was more than enough for me!

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