More photos 2

Thanks for all the virtual tea and sympathy you’ve sent to console me. I seem to have survived my first couple of weeks back including a week back at work relatively unscathed. Had a very nice welcome from my work colleagues and have been gently been easing myself back into “normal” life.

I’ve spent the long dark evenings whittling the 5k photos down to a more manageable 500 or so and and stuck em in a New Zealand 2007/08 photo gallery. So… when you have the time, grab a drink, have a seat, scroll through or fire up the slideshow and enjoy…

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2 thoughts on “More photos

  • Hazel

    Wow – just had a peek at your amazing slide show. Will have to store it in a permanent file somewhere so we can bring it out to show friends and our overseas visitors – they will be have to be impressed ….. until we admit that it wasn’t us that compiled it – but will be a good story anyway over a few bevvies! Thanks again for the fantastic journey – one day maybe! Mani starts back at College on Monday and Tui starts Uni on Feb 25, so will be good to settle into a routine as all a bit ‘loose’ at the moment to put it mildly!
    Enjoy your winter & dark nights ….. says Tui!
    Cheers! Hazel & Whanau

  • aba

    Hello Hazel! Routine is over rated stay loose 🙂 . Good luck to the girls, and I’m pleased to say the nights are starting to get a little longer and spring is in the air. Glad you enjoyed the pics. Missing NZ already