I am fast running out of adjectives to describe the wonderfulness of my journey.
Sadly said goodbye to Wanaka this morning. I thought Lake Wanaka was big but… Lake Hawea just outside is bloody ginormous. Must have driven for a good 40Km and was still driving down just one side of it.
Stunning, stunning, drive up to Fox Glacier (haven’t visited yet as it took me all day to get here). Via many short walks, photo stops and a concerted attack by sandflies at pretty much each stop including:
Blue Pools:
Thunder Creek Falls:
Haast River:
Driving through lush forest – the west coast is wetter so this side of the southern alps is a lot greener than the view you get from the Aoraki National Park side.
Didn’t see ole Mount Cook today though – just glimpses as it was a bit cloudy by the time I got to Fox on an otherwise glorious sunny journey. Did a walk round Lake Matheson which was really pretty though seemed like a puddle compared to Lake Hawea.
Met a Nigerian family from Sydney staying at same campsite. And ran into Hippy and Chrissy who I passed at a photo stop not too far out of Wanaka. Will join them for a beer and a little something extra later.
Hi Abs, looks like it just gets better.
Had a quick look at a map of South Island so now have an idea of where you are, and were. Your little camper van seems to have done you proud, offering a way to really connect with the countryside in your own time frame. Maybe a house will feel too big and stationary when you return to the Smoke?
Three more weeks of fun for you then. Meanwhile I have to join the masses, face 2008 and return to work tomorrow. Enjoy the freedom dear traveller! Jillx
Kia ora Friend:
Sorry been off the air as had another whanau (family) wedding.
Firstly, yep we had a fun filled New Year’s Eve – laughed so much with friends had sore stomachs as well as slightly sore heads the next day. My sisi & hubbie slept in till 9.45am – first sleep-in for him for yonks, so agrees it must have been ‘your’ bed!! Loved hearing about your NY too!
You sure are amassing an incredible photo collection – you would get a job with NZ Tourism no sweat!!
The family wedding was held at my brother’s place in Martinborough (60 mins from Wgtn) at the weekend (his stepson’s). Had 2 marquees, 100 plus guests, post bar-bee the next day, etc. etc. Man, and we have got my niece’s wedding in Feb which will be another huge affair – the poor waistline & liver!!
Still loving all those amazing piccies & wonderful comments – do keep them coming. Dougal reckons you must be extra fit by now & wondered if you had considered doing triathalons, mountain biking, coast to coast events etc!! And he is serious! Take care Adventurer. XX
Tri athalons? only if they are flat. I’m discovering I’m not that good with inclines :). Sounds like weddings will be keeping you busy for the next few months! Enjoy and don’t worry about the liver and waistline I’m sure they can take it.