Safely arrived at Moeraki en route to Dunedin after long, long drive from Kaikoura.
They’ve got penguins coming out of your ears here. Went to see blue eyed penguins at Oamaru come ashore last night. They are soooooooo cuuuute. They are the world’s smallest penguins a mere 30cm in height and only 1Kg fully grown. Bloody freezing so didn’t hang around to see all 400 hundred come home.
Unfortunately no photos allowed so you’ll just have to take my word for it or pop along to the penguin colony website for pics and more penguin facts.
Saw a 3 rafts (that’s a group of penguins to you and me) of about 30 penguins come in and it was truly wonderful. Before hand had dinner at the restaurant opposite. Very nice beef rendang beautifully presented. Wonderful views of Oamaru harbour.
Up at 6 am to catch the low tide and head to Moeraki boulders (only visible when the tide is out). Who would have thought that a bunch of old rocks could be so captivating. Beautiful beach so hung around and spent some time photographing boulders from all angles!
After that a delicious, gut busting breakfast at the very tastefully decorated (even down to the lavs) Fleur’s Place.
Set me up for my walks later. What a lovely place. Warm friendly owner and staff (who have very kindly let me hijack their computer for the last hour or so as there’s bugger all public internet access round here). Great views of Moeraki Harbour.
Gonna have a very chilled day here before heading to Dunedin tomorrow. Campsite – Moeraki Village Holiday Park has got to rate in my top 3 campsites so far. Beautiful setting and 1pm check out how good is that!! (most other places I’ve stayed kick you out at 10 am so I shall enjoy a lie in tomorrow after my early start today).
Finally, have you seen this gull?
A gull answering this description is wanted on suspicion of daylight street robbery. Warning! do not approach. Beaked, clawed, and dangerous. Call Dine Stoppers on 0800 HUNGRY and don’t be a victim STAY ALERT!
No photos allowed of the penguins? Are they shy?
Yep bit like me and precious about having their mugshot.
They are very shy and apparently cameras disturb them. Still just arrived in Otago Peninsular and apparently penguins etc. all over the place here. Hopefully they will be more willing to pose for a shot.
Got some good ones of yellow eyed penguins at Moeraki yesterday but will prob have to wait til I get home to post. Rest assured they were very lovely.
Yellow eyed penguins? Jaundice? Hepatitis?
This is supposed to assure my rest?
Ha Ha, not jaundiced just very lazy looking and very funny as they wobble around. They are one of the world’s rarest penguins so it feels like a real privilege (fuck I can never spell that word!!) to have seen them. You can rest easy x