Arrived in sunny Napier last night after a wonderful treat of a day getting here from Gisborne. What a fantastic drive. Stopped off and spent the afternoon mooching round beautiful Mahia Peninsular about 45 mins out of Gisborne. Got held up by sheep along the way but didn’t mind a single bit.
Mahia is a truly wonderful place. Beaches to suit all sorts coming out of your ears… Spent some time wandering around a lovely rocky beach watching the waves crashing against the rocks.
A short drive away came to a gorgeous long sandy beach where I took a long old stroll and had a really lovely relaxing hour or two.
By this time I was way behind schedule so hopped back in the van and headed back onto the road. A short while later had to stop for a film crew filming a tyre commercial. No matter as it was an awesome view so needless to say I hopped out of the van again to grab a few more photos. Once the traffic got moving again I got only a few more metres before I was compelled to hop out of the van again and take in the view.
Director of tyre commercial comes up to me and asks if I wouldn’t mind moving as I was in their shot and they’d been waiting all day for the sun / right light. Pah! I was slightly miffed at first but cooperative and it proved to be a blessing. A bit further along I was able to get down onto the black sand beach and had a real treat watching and photographing some local kids surfing. They were more than happy to strike a pose. So thanks to Iz and Bodgie for your great moves and helping grab some hopefully great shots (too big to post so you’ll have to wait for that one).
Then I *really* had to get going to make Napier before dark and closed campsite.
Woke up to another sunny morning and going to have a bit of a mooch round Napier then head up to Lake Taupo for the night. Tomorrow long drive to Wellington for the weekend before heading to South Island and more wonderousness on Monday.
In the mean time some more photos from the last couple of days:
Hotwater Beach:
Anglican Church at Raukokore on the road from Te Kaha to Hicks Bay
On the road…
One of the beaches on Mahia Peninsular:
Black sand beach where the surfers where a- surfin’ (and site of tyre commercial!):
Right off to explore Napier now …